Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter was amazing.
Miss P enjoyed spending time with family and receiving wonderful prizes from the Easter bunny!
I completely for to snap our egg pictures (from Martha Stewart) that came out beautifully. When your enjoying yourself and taking in every moment, you tend to forget pictures.

We sent these lovelies to her day care room on Friday.
We love See's candy in this house and had to share some Spring love with everyone.
The tags came from Robin with a sweet little ducky and "Thanks for being a good friend!"
Needless to say, the candy sticks and bunny puppet was a huge hit!

Yummie's from Bing's Bakery!

Miss P's breakfast loot--sugar rush all day!

After seeing Elmo's Green Thumb live, Miss P had a 2 hour nap before watching The Princess and the Frog! Goodness, she went gaga over receiving this movie!
Hope everyone has a pleasant Easter! I love watching my little one make memories with family, I always end up thinkin back on my own childhood. Make's me enjoy being Mommy that much more.

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